
Kisah Orang tua Bijak

Pernah ada seorang tua yang hidup di desa kecil. Meskipun ia miskin, semua orang cemburu kepadanya karena ia memiliki kuda putih cantik. Bahkan raja menginginkan hartanya itu. Kuda seperti itu belum pernah dilihat orang, begitu gagah, anggun dan kuat.

Orang-orang menawarkan harga amat tinggi untuk kuda jantan itu, tetapi orang tua itu selalu menolak : "Kuda ini bukan kuda bagi saya", katanya : "Ia adalah seperti seseorang. Bagaimana kita dapat menjual seseorang. Ia adalah sahabat bukan milik. Bagaimana kita dapat menjual seorang sahabat ?" Orang itu miskin dan godaan besar. Tetapi ia tidak menjual kuda itu.

Suatu pagi ia menemukan bahwa kuda itu tidak ada di kandangnya. Seluruh desa datang menemuinya. "Orang tua bodoh", mereka mengejek dia : "Sudah kami katakan bahwa seseorang akan mencuri kudamu. Kami peringatkan bahwa kamu akan di rampok. Anda begitu miskin... Mana mungkin anda dapat melindungi binatang yang begitu berharga ? Sebaiknya anda menjualnya. Anda boleh minta harga apa saja. Harga setinggi apapun akan dibayar juga. Sekarang kuda itu hilang dan anda dikutuk oleh kemalangan". Orang tua itu menjawab : "Jangan bicara terlalu cepat. Katakan saja bahwa kuda itu tidak berada di kandangnya. Itu saja yang kita tahu; selebihnya adalah penilaian. Apakah saya di kutuk atau tidak, bagaimana Anda dapat ketahui itu ? Bagaimana Anda dapat menghakimi ?". Orang-orang desa itu protes : "Jangan menggambarkan kami sebagai orang bodoh! Mungkin kami bukan ahli filsafat, tetapi filsafat hebat tidak di perlukan. Fakta sederhana bahwa kudamu hilang adalah kutukan". Orang tua itu berbicara lagi : "Yang saya tahu hanyalah bahwa kandang itu kosong dan kuda itu pergi. Selebihnya saya tidak tahu. Apakah itu kutukan atau berkat, saya tidak dapat katakan.Yang dapat kita lihat hanyalah sepotong saja. Siapa tahu apa yang akan terjadi nanti ?" Orang-orang desa tertawa. Menurut mereka orang itu gila. Mereka memang selalu menganggap dia orang tolol; kalau tidak, ia akan menjual kuda itu dan hidup dari uang yang diterimanya. Sebaliknya, ia seorang tukang potong kayu miskin, orang tua yang memotong kayu bakar dan menariknya keluar hutan lalu menjualnya. Uang yang ia terima hanya cukup untuk membeli makanan, tidak lebih. Hidupnya sengsara sekali. Sekarang ia sudah membuktikan bahwa ia betul-betul tolol. Sesudah lima belas hari, kuda itu kembali. Ia tidak di curi, ia lari ke dalam hutan. Ia tidak hanya kembali, ia juga membawa sekitar selusin kuda liar bersamanya. Sekali lagi penduduk desa berkumpul sekeliling tukang potong kayu itu dan mengatakan : "Orang tua, kamu benar dan kami salah. Yang kami anggap kutukan sebenarnya berkat. Maafkan kami". Jawab orang itu : "Sekali lagi kalian bertindak gegabah. Katakan saja bahwa kuda itu sudah balik. Katakan saja bahwa selusin kuda balik bersama dia, tetapi jangan menilai. Bagaimana kalian tahu bahwa ini adalah berkat ? Anda hanya melihat sepotong saja. Kecuali kalau kalian sudah mengetahui seluruh cerita, bagaimana anda dapat menilai ? Kalian hanya membaca satu halaman dari sebuah buku. Dapatkah kalian menilai seluruh buku ? Kalian hanya membaca satu kata dari sebuah ungkapan. Apakah kalian dapat mengerti seluruh ungkapan ? Hidup ini begitu luas, namun Anda menilai seluruh hidup berdasar! kan satu halaman atau satu kata.Yang anda tahu hanyalah sepotong! Jangan katakan itu adalah berkat. Tidak ada yang tahu. Saya sudah puas dengan apa yang saya tahu. Saya tidak terganggu karena apa yang saya tidak tahu". "Barangkali orang tua itu benar," mereka berkata satu kepada yang lain. Jadi mereka tidak banyak berkata-kata. Tetapi di dalam hati mereka tahu ia salah. Mereka tahu itu adalah berkat. Dua belas kuda liar pulang bersama satu kuda. Dengan kerja sedikit, binatang itu dapat dijinakkan dan dilatih, kemudian dijual untuk banyak uang. Orang tua itu mempunyai seorang anak laki-laki. Anak muda itu mulai menjinakkan kuda-kuda liar itu. Setelah beberapa hari, ia terjatuh dari salah satu kuda dan kedua kakinya patah. Sekali lagi orang desa berkumpul sekitar orang tua itu dan menilai. "Kamu benar", kata mereka : "Kamu sudah buktikan bahwa kamu benar. Selusin kuda itu bukan berkat. Mereka adalah kutukan. Satu-satunya puteramu patah kedua kakinya dan sekarang dalam usia tuamu kamu tidak ada siapa-siapa untuk membantumu... Sekarang kamu lebih miskin lagi. Orang tua itu berbicara lagi : "Ya, kalian kesetanan dengan pikiran untuk menilai, menghakimi. Jangan keterlaluan. Katakan saja bahwa anak saya patah kaki. Siapa tahu itu berkat atau kutukan ? Tidak ada yang tahu. Kita hanya mempunyai sepotong cerita. Hidup ini datang sepotong-sepotong".Maka terjadilah dua minggu kemudian negeri itu berperang dengan negeri tetangga. Semua anak muda di desa diminta untuk menjadi tentara. Hanya anak si orang tua tidak diminta karena ia terluka. Sekali lagi orang berkumpul sekitar orang tua itu sambil menangis dan berteriak karena anak-anak mereka sudah dipanggil untuk bertempur. Sedikit sekali kemungkinan mereka akan kembali. Musuh sangat kuat dan perang itu akan dimenangkan musuh. Mereka tidak akan melihat anak-anak mereka kembali. "Kamu benar, orang tua", mereka menangis : "Tuhan tahu, kamu benar. Ini buktinya. Kecelakaan anakmu merupakan berkat. Kakinya patah, tetapi paling tidak ia ada bersamamu. Anak-anak kami pergi untuk selama-lamanya". Orang tua itu berbicara lagi : "Tidak mungkin untuk berbicara dengan kalian. Kalian selalu menarik kesimpulan. Tidak ada yang tahu. Katakan hanya ini : anak-anak kalian harus pergi berperang, dan anak saya tidak. Tidak ada yang tahu apakah itu berkat atau kutukan. Tidak ada yang cukup bijaksana untuk mengetahui.
"Hanya Allah yang tahu".

Foto Sejarah Minangkabau

Air Mancur Lembah Anai pada saat pembangunan kereta api di pantai barat Sumatera Barat Tahun
(fotograaf: Theodore F.A. Delprat)

 Lembah Harau 1913
(fotograaf: Jean Demmeni)

Pengantin Minangkabau 1911
(fotograaf: Jean Demmeni)

Rumah Minangkabau di Koto Gadang. Sumatra Barat 1911 
(fotograaf: Jean Demmeni)

Silat Tangkisan Pisau Minangkabau (Toekang-Mantjak). Sumatra 1911
(fotograaf: Jean Demmeni)

Walking Dead Season 3 Episode 9 - The Suicide King

 Walking Dead Season 3 Episode 9 - The Suicide King

In the arena, the Governor declares that Merle and Daryl will fight to the death. Andrea begs the Governor to stop, but he insists it's out of his hands.

Rick and Maggie fire into the crowd and rescue Merle and Daryl. Merle kicks down a fence and guides the group away from Woodbury. A walker finds its way to the breach in the fence and enters the town.

Later, Rick and the group rendezvous with Glenn and Michonne at the car. Glenn raises his gun at the sight of Merle, who laughs off the threat and informs Michonne that Andrea is sleeping with the Governor. The group is shocked to learn Andrea is alive and well in Woodbury.

Back at the prison, Hershel dresses Allen's wound as Tyreese makes plans to bury Donna outside. Hershel warns Tyreese that others in his group may be less accepting of newcomers. "I wouldn't get too comfortable here," he says.

Meanwhile, Rick, Glenn and Maggie refuse to let Merle accompany them back to the prison. "Don't ask me to leave him. I already did that once," Daryl says. Realizing they're at an impasse, Daryl parts ways with the group and disappears into the forest with Merle.

Rick tells Michonne they'll tend to her injuries at the prison, but after that, she's gone.

Tyreese and his group carry Donna's body outside for a burial. Ben and Allen suggest ambushing Carl and Carol, who are standing guard nearby, but Tyreese and Sasha shoot down the idea. "These are good people," Tyreese says.

On their way back to the prison, Rick and the others push a truck from the middle of the road. Glenn pummels a walker lurking in the truck, then turns his rage on Rick for not killing the Governor: "Do you know what he did to her?" he shouts, referring to Maggie.

Back in Woodbury, Andrea tells Milton that nine men were injured in the attack and asks after the Governor. Milton reports that the Governor is tending to a project and won't open his apartment door.

Nearby, Woodbury guards threaten residents who are trying to leave town. As Andrea tries to calm everyone down, a walker mauls a man down the street. "Help him! Somebody, please!" a woman pleads. The Governor emerges from his apartment, shoots the man dead, and then goes back inside.

Rick and the others return to the prison. Carol is crestfallen when she learns that Daryl left with Merle.

In the Governor's apartment, Andrea urges him to reassure the residents. "I'm through holding their hands," the Governor says as he loads guns. "We're at war."

Andrea asks what Daryl was doing in Woodbury, and the Governor confesses he was holding Glenn and Maggie. "Why didn't you tell me they were here?" Andrea asks. "You're just a visitor here," the Governor replies.

At the prison, Rick walks through the common room but ignores Tyreese's group. "When he"s ready, let me do the talking," Tyreese tells Allen and Sasha. In the cell block, Beth hands Judith to Rick. The baby's sobs rattle him.

Meanwhile, Andrea and Milton try to pacify panicked residents that have gathered outside the Governor's home. Andrea rallies the crowd with promises of perseverance and rebuilding: "Years from now, when they write about this plague in the history books, they will write about Woodbury," she says. The crowd murmurs in agreement as the Governor watches from his window.

Back at the prison, Hershel dresses Glenn's wounds and observes tension between Glenn and Maggie. He urges both Glenn and Maggie to share their feelings. "Don't disappear on me," he later tells Maggie.

That night, Hershel tells Rick that Michonne won't be well enough to travel for another couple of days. The group agrees that the Governor will retaliate against them, and Carol predicts they'll be outnumbered and outgunned. "We could use some reinforcements," Hershel says, referring to Tyreese.

Rick finally meets with Tyreese, who insists his group can help defend the prison. Rick refuses at first — "I can't be responsible," he claims — but is on the verge of reconsidering when he hallucinates a vision of Lori on the catwalk in her wedding dress.

"What do you want from me?" Rick screams, waving his gun. "I can't help you! Get out!" Unsure who Rick is screaming at, Tyreese's group starts to back away and Glenn orders them outside. Everyone stares at Rick as he frantically paces the common room.

Walking Dead Season 3 Episode 8 - Made to Suffer

 Walking Dead Season 3 Episode 8 - Made to Suffer

A burly survivor, Tyreese, his younger sister Sasha, and their fellow survivors Ben, Allen and Donna, fight their way through a walker herd in the forest. Donna gets bitten and the group takes refuge in a crumbling building: it's the back side of the prison.

Meanwhile, Andrea tells the Governor she wants to help Milton cremate Mr. Coleman. "Woodbury's starting to grow on you," he notes.

In his secret room, the Governor opens Penny's cell. She runs out but is stopped short by a chain around her neck. He sings a lullaby and caresses her. "Look at me, baby," he says. Getting no response, he yells in frustration and thrusts her back in the cell.

In the interrogation room, Glenn and Maggie huddle several feet away from the walker that Glenn killed. Glenn yanks off the walker's arm, snaps the forearm in half and hands Maggie a shard of bone to use as a weapon.

At Woodbury's perimeter, Rick and the rescue team deliberate their next move. Michonne disappears but soon returns, having found a point of entry.

The Governor tells Merle about his plan to wipe out Rick's group and let walkers repopulate the prison. He suggests Merle enlist Daryl as their inside man. "Nothing happens to Daryl," Merle clarifies. "Of course not," the Governor says, ordering Merle to bring Glenn and Maggie to the "screamer pits" before Andrea finds out about them.

Back at the prison, Carol warns Axel to stay away from Beth. "Maggie's with Glenn, and you're a lesbian," he replies, noting the lack of available women. Carol clarifies that she's not a lesbian, then leaves when Axel gets flirtatious.

Meanwhile, Merle goes to collect Glenn and Maggie but the two stage an ambush. Maggie stabs one of Merle's men in the throat before Merle can restrain them again.

Rick and the rescue team follow the sound of gunfire into the warehouse where Glenn and Maggie are being held. Rick releases a smoke grenade, enabling the group to escape with Glenn and Maggie.

As gunfire erupts in the street, the Governor tells residents to hunker down at home. "We're under attack," he tells his men. "Shoot to kill."

The rescue team regroups in Woodbury's distribution center, where Glenn tells Daryl that Merle is alive and working for the Governor. "He was gonna execute us," Glenn says. Daryl wants to find Merle, but Rick insists he stay by his side.

The Governor confers with his men and tells Andrea to check in on the residents. She wants to fight, but he ignores her request.

Meanwhile, Michonne sneaks into the Governor's apartment and waits.

The rescue team makes a run for the wall. Andrea, disobeying the Governor, shoots at them, not knowing who they are. She tells the Governor she spotted a man in a prison jumpsuit. "Escaped convicts," he tells her.

Rick sees Shane emerge from a cloud of smoke. Momentarily stunned, he watches as Shane shoots Oscar dead. Then Rick guns down the Shane apparition. But when he inspects the corpse, he realizes it was in fact a Woodbury resident.

At the prison, Carl and Hershel hear screams coming from the tombs. Carl investigates and finds Tyreese's group fighting walkers in the generator room. He urges them to follow him.

Back at the Governor's apartment, Michonne discovers his secret room and unchains Penny before realizing she's a walker. As she positions her katana to kill Penny, the Governor comes in. "Don't hurt my little girl!" he pleads. Michonne stabs Penny through the head.

The Governor attacks Michonne in a rage. As the two grapple, Michonne smashes his walker head aquariums and pulls them off the shelf. The Governor is choking Michonne when she manages to grab a shard of broken glass and stab him in the eye.

The Governor reels as Michonne prepares to finish him off with her katana. But then, Andrea walks in and draws her gun on Michonne. The two face off, but ultimately, Michonne flees. The Governor cradles Penny's body, devastated.

Meanwhile, Carl leads Tyreese's group into the prison common room and insists that Donna be killed. "We take care of our own," Tyreese says. Sasha objects when Carl locks them in the room, but Tyreese points out this is the best living situation they've had in weeks.

Back in Woodbury, a doctor places gauze over the Governor's ruined eye. Andrea demands an explanation for his fight with Michonne, as well as the walker heads and Penny. He tells her he forced himself to look at the heads to prepare him for the outside world, but evades her other questions.

Merle and Milton check in on the Governor, asking what happened. "I was attacked," the Governor says, glaring at Merle.

Just outside Woodbury, Michonne rejoins the rescue team as they wait for Daryl. Rick demands to know why she disappeared and threatens to kill her. She reminds him that he still needs her help rescuing Daryl and getting back to the prison.

In the arena, the Governor addresses the town's citizens, declaring that Woodbury was attacked and accusing Merle of betraying them all. His men drag Daryl into the arena as proof of Merle's complicity. "Kill them!" the crowd chants. Andrea stares at Daryl, stunned.

"You wanted your brother," the Governor tells Merle, "you got 'im."